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Lion ID guide

At first glance, the only clear differences between individual lions are the obvious ones between males and females – males are significantly bigger, and as adults they have huge shaggy manes.

But look more closely and each lion has certain unique features, and it is these that allowed the Dynasties team to begin to identify the different members of the Marsh Pride.

The key identifying marks – used by the film crew and scientists alike – are whisker spots. The exact arrangement of the spots around the muzzle of the lions can be used, like a fingerprint, to produce ID charts for the lions.

The only problem with whisker spots, is that they’re difficult to use to ID lions at any distance, or if they’re moving.

For that reason – where possible – the team also used other, clearer identifying features and marks, like coat colour, size, ear notches, nose shape and even missing teeth!

These allowed quick comparisons between individuals, but aren’t as unique as whisker spots – whisker spots still had to be relied on when there was any discrepancy, or if one of the lions got a new scar/ rip in one of their ears!


Charm, an adult female, around 14 years old.

  • Rough but upright ears

  • Stocky and short (especially clear in neck, shoulders and front legs)


Sienna is Charm’s cousin, an adult female, around 15 years old.

  • Very rough ears

  • Broken/bent left ear

  • Less well built than Charm


Sienna's older cub – Red, is a male, around 3.5 years old.

  • Indentation/curved edge to top of black part of nose

  • Darker in colour and shorter than Tatu


Tatu is one of Charm's elder cubs - a male around 3 years old.

  • Straight edge to top of black part of nose

  • Broken lower left canine

  • Taller and paler than Red