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Episode 6

Mairi Rodgers explores Threave Garden near Castle Douglas. Tha Màiri Rodgers a’ gabhail cuairt tro Ghàrradh Threave faisg air Caisteal Dhùghlais.

Mairi Rodgers explores the beauty, history and diversity of some of the finest and most important gardens in the country. As well as enjoying the colours, smells and designs of the gardens, Mairi finds out about the science and conservation work being done at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Logan, the royal history at Floors Castle and Falkland Palace Gardens, wonders at the topiary at Levens Hall in Cumbria and finds out about poisonous plants at The Alnwick Garden.

In this programme, Mairi travels to Threave Garden near Castle Douglas, where she finds out about the National Trust for Scotland’s School of Heritage Gardening. As well as exploring the different training areas within the garden, Mairi gets some tips on caring for glasshouse plants and finds about the honey being made at the garden.

Tèarlach Quinnell talks about the mental health benefits of gardening and visiting gardens.
Cluinnidh Màiri Rodgers mu ailleachd, eachdraidh agus eadar-dhealachaidh feadhainn dhan na gàrraidhean as breagha agus as cudromaiche san dùthaich. A barrachd air dathan, fàilidhean agus stoidhle nan gàrraidhean, ionnsaichidh Màiri mun obair saidheansail agus glèidhteachais a tha ga dhèanamh aig Gàrradh Rìoghail Lusan Dhùn Èideann agus Lògan, ionnsaichidh i mun eachdraidh rìoghail aig Caisteal Floors agus Lùchairt Falkland, gàbhaidh i iongnadh air an topiary aig Levens Hall ann an Cumbria agus cluinnidh i mu dheidhinn na lusan puinnseanta aig An Gàrradh Alnwick.

Sa phrògram seo, thig Màiri a Ghàrradh Threave faisg air Caisteal Dhùghlais, far an cluinn i mu Sgoil na Gàirnearalaich Dhuthchasaich aig Urras Nàiseanta na h-Alba. A bharrachd air a bhith gabhail sgrìob tron na sgìrean treànaidh eadar-dhealaichte, gheibh Màiri comhairle airson cùram lusan san taigh-glainne agus ionnsaichidh i mu'n mhil a tha ga dhèanamh sa ghàrradh.

Bruidhnidh Tèarlach Quinnell mu bhuannachdan gairnearaileachd agus tadhail air gàrraidhean air slàinte-ìnntinn.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

Release date:

29 minutes


Thu 17 Oct 2024 22:00
