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An Dealbh as Àille

Episode 3 of 40

Tha Boban a’ toirt ponaigeadh sònraichte do dh'Fhuigheag gus am faigh e air a dhealbh a tharraing.
Boban is making Fuigheag look extra nice so that he can paint his perfect picture.

Tha Boban a’ toirt ponaigeadh sònraichte do dh'Fhuigheag gus am faigh e air dealbh foirfe a tharraing dhe. Ach, chan eil Fuigheag ro chuideachail. Dè an diofar, chan e foirfeachd a h-uile rud, is le cinnt faodaidh tarraing dhealbh feitheamh!

Boban is making Fuigheag look extra nice so that he can paint his perfect picture. However, Fuigeag is not being very helpful. Never mind, perfection isn’t everything, and the perfect portrait can wait!

Release date:

5 minutes
