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Tha Ceitlin Lilidh a鈥 toirt thugainn sreath de dh脿 ph脿irt air eachdraidh surfadh air feadh an t-saoghail. Ceitlin Lilidh's series on the world history of surfing.

Aig Geamannan Oilimpigeach 2024, tha an luchd-surfaidh as fhe脿rr san t-saoghal gu bhith a鈥 farpais 20,000 cileameatair air falbh bho Paris, ann an Tahiti. Tha t猫 aig a bheil 霉idh mh貌r ann an surfadh, Ceitlin Lilidh a鈥 toirt thugainn sreath de dh脿 ph脿irt air eachdraidh surfadh air feadh an t-saoghail. Do mhuinntir Tahiti, far an do th貌isich surfadh bho th霉s, tha e nas motha na sp貌rs, 鈥檚 e taisbeanadh a th鈥 ann de chultar mhuinntir an uisge, muinntir Pholin矛sia.
Le t貌rr de chultar agus eachdraidh bheairteach muinntir Pholin矛sia cha mh貌r air a sguabhadh air falbh, feumar taing a thoirt do leithid Tom P艒haku Stone oir chaidh traidiseanan a bhith a鈥 dannsa air b霉ird fiodha a thoirt chun an ath ghinealaich agus chun an t-saoghail air fad, far a bheil a-nis, na deichean de mhilleanan dhaoine le 霉idh ann an surfadh. Airson a鈥 chiad uair, tha 脿ite aig surfadh aig na Geamannan Oilimpigeach.

Bho bhith na chur-seachad annasach do luchd-turais bhon Taobh an Iar a鈥 dol a Hawaii tr脿th anns an fhicheadamh linn gu bhith na ph脿irt mh貌r de dh貌igh-beatha na tr脿ghad ann an California air taobh an iar Ameireagaidh. Cha tug e fada gus an do r脿inig surfadh cladaichean fuar na h-Alba is dithis no tri霉ir a鈥 cur aodach sn脿mh orra agus a鈥 dol a-mach air na b霉ird aca fh猫in.

Bho stuadhan m貌ra Tahiti gu d霉bhlain nan tonn sa gheamhradh ann an Inbhir The貌rsa agus tachartasan stuadhan m貌ra Nazar茅 ann am Portugal. 鈥橲 e sgeulachd de spioradalachd, sp貌rs, daoine ainmeil, fasan agus fealla-dh脿 a th鈥 ann an cuairt Ceitlin Lilidh 鈥檚 i ag ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh surfadh.

At the 2024 Olympic Games, the world's best surfers competed 20,000km from Paris, in Tahiti. Keen surfer Ceitlin Lilidh presents a series on the world history of surfing. Much more than a sport to the people of Tahiti where surfing was born, it is an expression of a culture, the people of the water, the Polynesians.

While much of the rich culture and history of the Polynesian people was almost wiped out, thanks to guardians like Tom P艒haku Stone, the traditions of dancing on wooden boards was passed on to future generations and to the rest of the world where it is now practised by tens of millions of enthusiasts. Surfing has now for the first time earned its place at the Olympics.

What was an exotic distraction for westerners vacationing in Hawaii in the early 20th century exploded on the west coast of America as part of the burgeoning California beach scene. It didn鈥檛 take long for surfing to reach the cold Scottish shores as a brave few donned their swimming gear and makeshift surfboards.

From the super waves of Tahiti to the winter wave challenges of Thurso and the big wave events of Nazar茅 in Portugal, Ceitlin鈥檚 journey through surfing is a story of spirituality, sport, celebrity, fashion and of course fun.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

58 minutes


Wednesday 21:00


Role Contributor
Actor Ceitlin Lilidh
