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Là Dheth/Off-day

Hare is always the first to enjoy a new day, but today she doesn’t even want to get out of bed. Something must be very wrong.

Mar as trice bidh Maigheach a’ gabhail tlachd anns a h-uile latha, ach an-diugh chan eil I airson gluasad a-mach às an leabaidh. Tha rudeigin fada ceàrr. Tha a caraidean a’ smaoineachadh air iomadh seòrsa fuasgladh ach ann a bhith cho dealasach gus a cuideachadh, chan eil for aca air an dearbh rud a dhèanadh feum do Mhaigheach.

Hare is always the first to enjoy a new day, but today she doesn’t even want to get out of bed. Something must be very wrong. The friends come up with all kind of remedies, but in their eagerness to help they overlook what Hare really needs...

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Linda MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions
