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Tha na seòid a’ dèanamh biadh a bheir cofhurtachd dhuinn sa gheamhradh. The lads cook winter comfort food.

Tha na seòid a’ cnuasachadh air biadh a tha math sa gheamhradh agus a’ cruthachadh soithichean eadar-dhealaichte a bheir dhuinn blàths is cofhurtachd. Tha Ruairidh a’ deanamh Stiubha le Càl Dearg agus Feòil-Uain le Sabhsa Mionnt. Tha Ùisdean ag ullachadh Ròst Feòil-Chaorach le crumbail ubhal geamhraidh airson a ghabhail às a dhèidh. Gus crìoch a chur air a’ phrògram, tha Ruairidh ag ullachadh Teatnaidh Biotais agus tha Ùisdean a’ sealltainn dhuinn mar a ni sinn Uisge-beatha air a dhèanamh le smeuran.

The lads contemplate winter and come up with a variety of heart-warming comfort foods. Ruairidh cooks red cabbage and a lamb hotpot with mint sauce. Uisdean prepares a mutton chump roast followed by a winter apple crumble. Ruairidh then prepares a beetroot chutney and Uisdean shows us how to make bramble whisky.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.




1 càl dearg
1 uinnean dearg
2 ubhal ithe, air an gearradh
1 orainsear, rùsg
90ml fìon-gheur leann-ubhail
150ml fìon dearg
50g ìm
70g siùcar castair
Piobar dubh

  • Thoir am meadhan às a’ chàl agus geàrr an còrr dheth.
  • Leagh an t-ìm ann an soitheach casserole air an stòbha.
  • Slis na h-uinneanan agus cuir dhan a’ phana leis a’ chàl agus measgaich.
  • Cuir am fìon-gheur, am fìon, prunaichean agus an t-siùcar ris.
  • Cuir na h-ubhlan agus rùsg an orainseir ris.
  • Seàsan le salann agus piobar.
  • Measgaich na tha sa phana.
  • Teasaich an àmhainn gu 160C agus ròst airson timcheall air 1 ½ uairean a thìde.
  • Gabhaidh e cuideachd a bhruich air an stòbha.Ìý


1 red cabbage
1 red onion
2 eating apples, roughly chopped
1 orange, zest
90ml cider vinegar
150ml red wine
50g butter
70g castor sugar
Black pepper

  • Remove the core from the cabbage and roughly slice the cabbage.
  • Melt the butter in a casserole dish, on the hob.
  • Slice the onions and add to the pan, add the cabbage, mix the ingredients.
  • Add the vinegar, wine, prunes and sugar.
  • Add the apple and orange zest.
  • Season with salt and pepper
  • Mix ingredients and add the apple and orange zest.
  • Pre-heat the oven to 160 C, and cook for 1 ½ hours approximately.
  • It can also be cooked on the hob.


Pìos pluic feòil-uain, gun chnàimh (cùm an cnàimh)
Ola glasraich airson ròstadh
Piobar dubh

  • Cuir druthag mhath dhen ola ann an tiona ròstaidh, cuir an fheòil na bhroinn le taobh na geir air a’ mhullach. Còmhdaich leis an ola. Seàsan le salann agus piobar.
  • Teasaich an àmhainn gu 200C agus ròst aig an teas seo gus am fàs a’ gheir criospach. An uairsin, lùghdaich an teas gu 180C agus ròst airson timcheall air uair a thìde.

Airson stoc, airson sabhs
1 uinnean mòr
3 currain
1 leigeas, air a ghearradh
4 clòbhan slàn de chreamh
1 stob seilearaidh, air a ghearradh
Gloinne fìon geal
Geug ròs-Moire
Bad de phearsail
Piobar dubh
4 cnàimhean-smior feòil-mhairt

  • Geàrr an glasraich gu lèir, a’ fàgail aon churran slàn airson a thoirt seachad aig a’ bhòrd.
  • Teasaich an ola air an stòbha. Cuir an glasraich dhan phana, cuide ris a’ chnaimh bhon fheòil-uain. Fàg gus an tig dath air agus lùghdaich.
  • Cuir na tha sa phana do shoitheach freagarrach airson àmhainn, a’ cuir tuilleadh ola ris ma tha feum air. Ròst air a shocair aig 180C airson timcheall air uair a thìde.
  • Fhad ’s a tha seo san àmhainn, cuir cnàimhean-smior feòil-mhairt am broinn soitheach-ròstaidh eile. Còmhdaich le ola agus seàsan. Cuir dhan àmhainn aig 180C airson timcheall air uair a thìde.
  • Nuair a tha na cnàimhean-smior air bruich, thoir às an àmhainn iad agus leig leotha fuarachadh.
  • Nuair a tha iad air fuarachadh, thòir na cnàimhean-smior às an t-soitheach agus fàg gu aon taobh gus cuir ris a’ phana a-rithist.
  • Thoir an t-soitheach leis a’ ghlasraich às an àmhainn agus cuir na tha san t-soitheach a-steach do phana nas lugha.
  • Cùm na currain slàn gu aon taobh.
  • Cuir am fìon geal ris a’ phana agus leig leis lùghdachadh.
  • Nuair a tha e air lùghdachadh, strèanaig tro shìoltachan.
  • Cuir am pana air ais air an stòbha agus measgaich le smior nan cnàmhan gus crìoch a chur air an t-sabhs.



Chump joint of lamb, boneless. (Reserve the bone.)
Vegetable oil for roasting
Black pepper

  • Add a good splash of oil to a roasting tin, place the joint in the roasting tin, with layer of fat on top. Give it a coating of oil. Season with salt and pepper
  • Pre-heat the oven to 200c and cook at this temperature until the fat gets crisp. Then reduce the temperature to 180c for approximately 1 hour.

For stock, for sauce
1 large onion
3 carrots
I leek, roughly chopped
4 whole cloves of garlic
1 celery stick, roughly chopped
Vegetable oil
Glass white wine
Sprig rosemary
Bunch of parsley
Black pepper
4 beef marrow bones

  • Roughly chop the vegetables, leaving one carrot whole for serving.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan on the hob. Add the vegetables to the pan, along with the bone from the chump joint. Allow to brown and reduce.
  • Transfer to an oven-proof dish, adding more oil if required. Slow cook at 180c for approximately 1 hour.
  • Meanwhile, place the marrow bones in a separate roasting tin. Oil and season them and place in the oven at 180c for approximately 1 hour or until it has reduced.
  • When the marrow bones have cooked, remove from the oven and allow to cool.
  • Once they have cooled, remove the bone marrow and set aside for adding to the sauce pan.
  • Remove the vegetable dish from the oven and transfer ingredients to a smaller pan.
  • Set the whole carrots aside, for serving.
  • Add the white wine to the pan and allow to reduce.
  • Once it has reduced, strain through a colander.
  • Put the pan back on the heat and whisk through the bone marrow to finish the sauce.


½ càl sabhoidh, air a shliseadh gu mìn
Làn dùirn de pheasairean reòite
Geug no dhà de mhionnt

  • Cuir am mionnt ann am bobhla le deigh gus a bheilear deiseil airson a chleachdadh.
  • Bruich na peasairean reòite airson mionaid no dhà. Gluais iad dhan bhobhla le deigh. Tha seo a’ glèidheadh an dath.
  • Bruich an càl ann am beagan uisge sàillte agus gluais dhan bhobhla deigh.
  • Teasaich na peasairean agus an càl gus a bheilear deiseil airson ith.


½ Savoy cabbage, finely sliced
Handful of frozen peas
A few sprigs of mint

  • Put the mint into a bowl of ice until you are ready to use it.
  • Boil the frozen peas for a couple of minutes. Transfer them to the ice bowl. This preserves the colour for serving.
  • Boil the cabbage in a little salted water and transfer to the ice bowl.
  • Reheat the peas and cabbage when you are ready to serve.


8 buntàta tioram, mar Rooster
50g ìm
125ml bainne
2-3 clòbhan creamh, air am pronnadh
Piobar geal

  • Rùisg agus geàrr am bùntata nan cairtealan.
  • Bruich ann an uisge sàillte.
  • Leagh an t-ìm ann am pana leis a’ bhainne.
  • Pronn am buntàta ann am bobhla, a’ cleachdadh inneal-rìsidh.
  • Cuir an creamh pronn ris a’ bhuntàta le bloigh de phiobar geal, agus measgaich gu math.
  • Cuir an t-ìm leaghte ris a’ bhuntàta mean air mhean agus measgaich gus a bheil sibh riaraichte leis.


8 dry potatoes, Rooster or dry variety
50g butter
125ml milk
2 – 3 garlic cloves, crushed
White pepper

  • Peel and quarter the potatoes.
  • Boil in salted potatoes.
  • Melt the butter in a pan along with the milk.
  • Mash the potatoes into a bowl, with a ricer.
  • Add the crushed garlic and a pinch of white pepper, mix well with a spoon.
  • Add the melted butter gradually and bind together for the desired consistency.


Gualainn feòil-uain
Sgalaidean/uinneanan dearga, air an gearradh
1 curran, air a ghearradh
7-8 clòbhan creamh, slàn
Steallag mhath fìon dearg
Geug lus an rìgh
Geug ròs-Moire
1 duilleag-labhrais
Làn dùirn de pheasairean reòite
½ snèap bheag, air a ghearradh ’s air a bhruich
Buntàta ro-bhruich, slàn (air am bruich airson timcheall air 10 mionaidean ro-làimh)

  • Cuir an fheòil, cuide ris na h-uinneanan, an creamh, an curran agus na lusan dhan chucair-slaodach, aig ìre ìosal airson 8 uairean a thìde. Leig leis fuarachadh.
  • Nuair a tha e air fuarachadh, stiall an fheòil far na cnàimh agus cuir ann an soitheach casserole. Fàg beagan geir air an fheòil agus cùm beagan dheth air ais gus a dhòirteadh thairis air a’ bhuntàta. Cuir a’ gheir a th’ air fhàgail ann am pana agus leagh air an stòbha.
  • Cuir peasairean reòite air muin na feòla san t-soitheach casserole agus cuir na snèapa bruich air a mhuin.
  • Cuir an t-sùgh bhon chucair-slaodach tro shìoltachan agus ann am pana. Thoir an craiceann far na clòbhan creamh sa chucair-slaodach agus cuir ris a’ phana iad cuide ris na h-uinneanan agus an curran. Cuir am pana air a’ stòbha agus thoir chun a’ ghoil, a’ cuir steallag dhen fhìon dearg ris. Leig leis goil air a shocair. Nuair a tha an t-sùgh air lùghdachadh beagan, dòirt an t-sabhs thairis air an fheòil, peasairean agus snèap san t-soitheach casserole.
  • Geàrr am buntàta nan slisean tiugha. Cuir slisean a’ bhuntàta air muin a’ hotpot.
  • Bruisig a’ gheir leaghte air a’ bhuntàta mus tèid e dhan àmhainn. Seàsan le piobar dubh.
  • Ròst gun mhullach, san àmhainn, aig 180C airson 45 mionaidean, no gus a bheil dath òir air a thighinn air a’ bhuntàta.


Shoulder of lamb
Shallots/red onions, roughly chopped
1 carrot, roughly chopped
7 – 8 cloves of garlic, whole
Good glug of red wine
Sprig thyme
Sprig rosemary
1 bay leaf
Handful frozen peas
½ small turnip, diced and boiled
Par boiled potatoes, whole. Boiled form approximately 10 minutes.

  • Place the shoulder of lamb along with onions, garlic, carrot, and herbs in the slow cooker, at low setting for 8 hours. Allow to cool.
  • When cool, tear off the meat and place in a casserole dish. Leave a little fat on the meat and reserve some for pouring over the potatoes.Put the reserved fat in a pan, and melt on the hob.
  • Add frozen peas on top of the meat in the casserole dish, then add a layer of diced, cooked turnip.
  • Strain the liquid from the slow cooker and put the liquid in a pan. Remove the skin from the garlic cloves that are in the slow cooker, add them to the pan along with the onions and carrots. Put the pan on the hob and bring to the boil, adding a glug of red wine. Allow to simmer. Once it has reduced slightly, pour the sauce over the meat, peas and turnips in the casserole dish.
  • Cut the potatoes into thick slices. Place the potato slices on top of the hotpot.
  • Brush the melted fat onto the potatoes before placing in the oven. Season with black pepper.
  • Cook in the oven, with the lid off, at 180 C for 45 minutes, or until the potatoes are crisp and golden.


Bad no poca de mhionnt
1 spàinn-mhòr siùcar castair
4 spàinn-mhòr fìon-gheur fìon geal
4 spàinn-mhòr uisge goileach

  • Bleith na gritheidean uile còmhla.


Bunch or bag of mint
1 tbsp caster sugar
4 tbsp white wine vinegar
4 tbsp boiling water

  • Blitz the ingredients together.


1-1 ½ kg biatas amh, air a bhleith
3 uinneanan, air an gearradh
750g siùcar castair òir
700ml fìon-gheur fìon dearg
Sùgh agus rùsg 3 orainsearan
1 spàinn-mhòr sìol coireamain
1 spàinn-mhòr sìol mustard
Bloigh clòbhan mìn
Bloigh caineal mìn

  • Cuir na gritheidean gu lèir ann am pana mòr, measgaich agus teasaich air an stòbha airson timcheall air uair a thìde gus a bheil am biatas bruich.
  • Leig leis fuarachadh agus ith le aran-coirce agus càise.

1 – 1 ½ kg raw beetroot, grated
3 onions chopped
750g golden caster sugar
700ml red wine vinegar
Juice and zest of 3 oranges
1 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp mustard seeds
Pinch ground cloves
Pinch ground cinnamon

  • Put all the ingredients into a large pan, stir and cook on hob for approximately 1 hour or until the beetroot has cooked.
  • Allow to cool and serve with oatcakes and cheese.


120g flùr plèan
60g siùcar castair
60g ìm gun shalainn, aig teas an t-seòmair
30g àlmoin mìn

  • Cuir an t-ìm agus am flùr ann am bobhla.
  • Suath am flùr dhan ìm le do chorragan gus am bi e a’ samhlachadh criomagan arain. Cuir an t-siùcar agus an t-àlmon mìn ris agus measgaich.

Airson an compote
300g ùbhlan, air an gearradh
115g smeuragan
Sùgh agus rùsg 1 liomaid
30g siùcar castair donn
30g ìm gun shalainn
½ spàinn-bheag caineal mìn

  • Cuir an t-ìm agus an t-siùcar ann am pana meadhanach mòr agus leagh còmhla air teas meadhanach. Bruich airson 3 mionaidean gus an tionndaidh e na charamail shoilleir.
  • Cuir na smeuragan, an t-sùgh agus na h-ùbhlan ris. Bruich airson mu 3 mionaidean gus an tòisich iad a’ fàs nas buige.
  • Cuir an caineal agus bloigh de rùsg an liomaid ris, agus druthag dhen t-sùgh.
  • Cuir ann an soitheach-àmhainn agus leig leis fuarachadh mus tèid an crumbail air a’ mhuin.
  • Nuair a tha e air fuarachadh, cuir an crumbail air a’ mhuin le crathadh de shiùcar castair òir air muin sin. Teasaich aig 180C airson 10-15 mionaidean, gus a bheil dath òir air a thighinn air a’ chrumbail.
  • Gabh le uachdar air a bhualadh, le beagan dhen t-sùgh bhon chompote agus druthag dhen uisge-beatha smeuraig air a mheasgachadh troimhe.


120g plain flour
60g caster sugar
60g unsalted butter, at room temperature.
30g ground almonds

  • Place the flour and butter in a bowl.
  • Rub into the flour using your fingertips to make a light breadcrumb texture. Add the sugar and ground almonds and mix through.

For the compote
300g apples, roughly chopped
115g brambles
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
30g brown castor sugar
30g unsalted butter
½ tsp cinnamon

  • Put the butter and sugar in a medium pan and melt together over a medium heat. Cook for 3 minutes until the mixture turns to a light caramel.
  • Add the brambles and juice and apple. Cook for about 3 minutes until they start to soften.
  • Add cinnamon and a grating of lemon zest and a squeeze of the lemon juice.
  • Transfer to a baking dish and allow to cool before add the topping.
  • When it has cooled, add the topping and sprinkle with golden castor sugar. Re-heat at 180c for 10 – 15 minutes, until the crumble has turned golden.
  • Serve with whipped cream, with a little of the juice from the compote and a splash of the bramble whisky mixed through.


1 botal uisge-beatha cò-mheasgaichte, 750ml
500g smeuragan
300g siùcar castair

  • Cuir na smeuragan ann an sileagan glan.
  • Cuir an t-siùcar castair ris agus dòirt an t-uisge-beatha na mheasg. Cleachd uisge-beatha saor.
  • ¶Ùù¾±²Ô an t-sileagan agus thoir deagh chrathadh dha gus na tha na bhroinn a mheasgachadh.
  • Stòr ann an àite tioram, fionnar agus thoir dhà crathadh a h-uile dhà no thrì làithean gus an leagh an t-siùcar. Dèan seo airson timcheall air 3 seachdainean.
  • Fàg airson co-dhiù mìos. Mar as fhaide a thèid fhàgail, ’s ann as fheàrr a bhios am blas. Nuair a tha e deiseil, strèanaig tro anart-shìolaidh – no faodar na smeuragan fhàgail slàn, ma thogras sibh.
  • Cùm ann am botal glan.

1 bottle of blend whisky, 750ml
500g brambles
300g castor sugar

  • Place the brambles in a sterilised mason jar.
  • Add the castor sugar and pour in the whisky. Use an inexpensive whisky.
  • Seal the jar and give it a good shake to mix.
  • Store in a cool, dry place and give it a shake every few days to help the sugar dissolve. Do this for about 3 weeks.
  • Leave for at least one month. The longer you leave it, the better it will taste. When it is ready, strain through muslin or you can leave the brambles whole, if you prefer.
  • Seal in a sterilised bottle and store.Ìý


Role Contributor
Presenter Uisdean Macleod
Presenter Roddy Munro
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
Production Manager Mairi Macleod
Producer Kenneth Stewart