Contact CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼

To send a message or picture to the CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ Office

You can contact Hacker, Dodge or any of the CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ Office presenters by emailing: or via post to: CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼, PO BOX 9989, Salford, M5 0DP.

The team receive hundreds of emails and letters every day so unfortunately they cannot mention all of them on TV. If you have sent us a photograph or video that we would like to use on the CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ channel or website, we will need to get permission from your parent or guardian, so please ask them for their email and include it with your letter so that we can write to them.

To contact a CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ TV show or star

If you have a letter or picture for a certain CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ programme or TV star that appears in a show, send it to: 
(CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ Programme Name), CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼, PO BOX 9989, Salford, M5 0DP

Don’t forget to tell your parent or guardian before contacting a CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ show or star! And remember, if you have sent us a photograph or picture and we would like to use it on the CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ channel or website, we will need to get permission from your parent or guardian, so please ask them for their email and include it with your letter so that we can write

To be on a CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ show

If you are interested in appearing on a CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ show, check the Be On A Show page on the CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ website.

Not all programmes will be currently looking for participants but there will usually be at least one show looking. Make sure you check back regularly if you are looking for one show in particular.

Remember that you must have your parent or guardian’s permission before applying to take part in any CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ show. If you're invited to be on a show we will need to get permission from your parent or guardian, and so please ask them for their email and include it with your letter so that we can write to them.

To contact CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ about the CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ website

To send a message about the CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ website please visit the Contact ÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ page but be sure to check the Website Help page before to see if your question can be answered there.

If you have a letter for the CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ website team send it to:
 CÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ Interactive, Floor Two, Bridge House, MediaCityUK, Salford M50 2BH

To send a complaint

If you have a complaint please ask your parent or guardian to submit this for you via the ÁùºÏ¿ª½±¼Ç¼ Complaints website.

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